Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
Italian restaurants online guide with all details and informations.If you want to make a reservation to a restaurant in italy, a pizzeria , trattoria , wine bar or ethnic restaurant you are in the right place. The best restaurants you want in all cities areound Italy, with price list for each restaurant, pictures and cuisine, chef name and speciality and curiosity about it. With each restaurant coments from our visitors, votes and reviews we ensure you will have the best gastronomic experience in Italy.
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Best restaurants in Italy(rank)
Locale La Capricciosa
( 7.00 ) in FIRMO , province CS
Locale Aligia
( 7.00 ) in MAIERA' , province CS
Locale Da Cosimo
( 8.00 ) in CANOLO , province RC
Locale Il Gastronomo
( 7.50 ) in MONTEMARANO , province AV
Locale Mimosa
( 6.75 ) in SAN MARCO DEI CAVOTI , province BN
Locale Ciacco
( 6.75 ) in CASERTA , province CE
Locale La Cantina di Masaniello
( 7.75 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
Locale Dell' Hotel Santa Lucia, Megaris
( 8.33 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
Locale Dell' Hotel Ferrari
( 7.00 ) in SAN VITALIANO , province NA
Locale Capo la Gala
( 7.00 ) in VICO EQUENSE , province NA
The best Restaurants
La TavernettaLa Tavernetta
( 7.33 ) in CAMIGLIATELLO , province CS
 Nabucco Nabucco
( 7.25 ) in RENDE , province CS
Dell' Hotel MinicuccioDell' Hotel Minicuccio
( 8.00 ) in VALLESACCARDA , province AV
 Re Burlone Re Burlone
( 7.00 ) in MADDALONI , province CE
 Ninfeo Ninfeo
( 6.75 ) in SANTA MARIA CAPUA VETERE , province CE
The best Trattorie
La BilanciaLa Bilancia
( 6.90 ) in LORETO APRUTINO , province PE
 Taverna Scacciaventi Taverna Scacciaventi
( 7.33 ) in CAVA DE' TIRRENI , province SA
 Taverna del Lupo Taverna del Lupo
( 8.00 ) in PADULA , province SA
La Capanna da EraclioLa Capanna da Eraclio
( 7.50 ) in CODIGORO , province FE
 Antica Trattoria Volano Antica Trattoria Volano
( 7.50 ) in FERRARA , province FE
The best Pizzerie / Pizza
Alla Pace AlpinaAlla Pace Alpina
( 7.00 ) in RAVASCLETTO , province UD
 PizzaRe' PizzaRe'
( 6.50 ) in ROMA , province RM
 Zi' Gaetana Zi' Gaetana
( 6.50 ) in ROMA , province RM
 Mariuccia Mariuccia
( 8.00 ) in GENOVA , province GE
La KambusaLa Kambusa
( 7.50 ) in BUSSANA , province IM
The best Wine Bar / Wine shop
 Baviera 1905 Baviera 1905
( 6.00 ) in VILLANOVA , province BO
Dell' OrologioDell' Orologio
( 7.67 ) in LATINA , province LT
 Centro Vini Arcioni Filiale Centro Vini Arcioni Filiale
( 6.00 ) in ROMA , province RM
 Caffe' degli Specchi Caffe' degli Specchi
( 6.50 ) in GENOVA , province GE
 Vino Buono Vino Buono
( 8.00 ) in GRUMELLO DEL MONTE , province BG
The best Ethnic Restaurants
 Cohiba Cohiba
( 7.00 ) in BOLOGNA , province BO
 Isola Puket Isola Puket
( 6.00 ) in ROMA , province RM
 Tandur Tandur
( 7.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Zen Sushi Zen Sushi
( 2.75 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Antica Osteria Rapella 1886 - Antica Osteria Rapella 1886 -
( 7.25 ) in MORBEGNO , province SO
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