Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
Italian restaurants online guide with all details and informations.If you want to make a reservation to a restaurant in italy, a pizzeria , trattoria , wine bar or ethnic restaurant you are in the right place. The best restaurants you want in all cities areound Italy, with price list for each restaurant, pictures and cuisine, chef name and speciality and curiosity about it. With each restaurant coments from our visitors, votes and reviews we ensure you will have the best gastronomic experience in Italy.
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Best restaurants in Italy(rank)
Locale Cantina del Barone
( 6.50 ) in GIOIA TAURO , province RC
Locale Di Pietro
( 7.25 ) in MELITO IRPINO , province AV
Locale Dell' Hotel Puntaquattroventi
( 7.00 ) in ERCOLANO , province NA
Locale The Flintstones
( 7.00 ) in MARANO DI NAPOLI , province NA
Locale Bellini
( 8.00 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
Locale Dell' Hotel Vesuvio, Caruso roof garden
( 7.75 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
Locale San Carlo
( 7.50 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
Locale Dell' Hotel il Ceppo
( 7.44 ) in AGROPOLI , province SA
Locale Far Magia
( 7.00 ) in BOLOGNA , province BO
Locale Antica Trattoria del Mulino
( 7.00 ) in BUDRIO , province BO
The best Restaurants
La ReteLa Rete
( 7.50 ) in PESCARA , province PE
La MargheritaLa Margherita
( 7.00 ) in LAINO BORGO , province CS
 Aligia Aligia
( 7.00 ) in MAIERA' , province CS
 Pollo d'Oro Pollo d'Oro
( 8.17 ) in CRUCOLI , province KR
La Maschera di PulcinellaLa Maschera di Pulcinella
( 7.50 ) in AVELLINO , province AV
The best Trattorie
Alla CorteAlla Corte
( 7.00 ) in ATRI , province TE
La ScalettaLa Scaletta
( 8.00 ) in SAN GIORGIO MORGETO , province RC
La GranzeolaLa Granzeola
( 6.50 ) in POZZUOLI , province NA
Il CertosinoIl Certosino
( 6.75 ) in PADULA , province SA
Di Monte DonatoDi Monte Donato
( 6.75 ) in BOLOGNA , province BO
The best Pizzerie / Pizza
 Parodi Parodi
( 6.00 ) in ARENZANO , province GE
Il FrantoioIl Frantoio
( 8.00 ) in MONTEROSSO AL MARE , province SP
 Panorama Panorama
( 7.00 ) in TREMOSINE , province BS
La CharlotLa Charlot
( 7.00 ) in CIVITANOVA MARCHE , province MC
Il CoppiereIl Coppiere
( 7.00 ) in URBINO , province PU
The best Wine Bar / Wine shop
 Gra-pa-lu' Gra-pa-lu'
( 7.00 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
Il Mulino del CibusIl Mulino del Cibus
( 6.90 ) in CASTELNUOVO MAGRA , province SP
Al PorticoAl Portico
( 6.00 ) in PONTE SAN PIETRO , province BG
La VineriaLa Vineria
( 6.25 ) in BRESCIA , province BS
La Dispensa Specialita' e VinoLa Dispensa Specialita' e Vino
( 7.67 ) in MONZAMBANO , province MN
The best Ethnic Restaurants
 Endo Endo
( 7.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
L' ImperialeL' Imperiale
( 3.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Sukria Sukria
( 3.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Hafa Cafe' Hafa Cafe'
( 7.00 ) in TORINO , province TO
 Arizona Cafe' Arizona Cafe'
( 7.00 ) in SANT'ANTIOCO , province CA
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