Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
Italian restaurants online guide with all details and informations.If you want to make a reservation to a restaurant in italy, a pizzeria , trattoria , wine bar or ethnic restaurant you are in the right place. The best restaurants you want in all cities areound Italy, with price list for each restaurant, pictures and cuisine, chef name and speciality and curiosity about it. With each restaurant coments from our visitors, votes and reviews we ensure you will have the best gastronomic experience in Italy.
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Best restaurants in Italy(rank)
Locale Cristall
( 7.00 ) in ROCCA DI CAMBIO , province AQ
Locale Ta-Pu'
( 8.00 ) in GUARDIAGRELE , province CH
Locale Venusio
( 7.17 ) in VENUSIO , province MT
Locale Il Giardino di Epicuro
( 7.00 ) in MARATEA , province PZ
Locale La Favola antica
( 7.00 ) in PETILIA POLICASTRO , province KR
Locale Damiano
( 7.38 ) in ISCHIA PORTO , province NA
Locale Alla Vecchia Cantina
( 7.00 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
Locale Dell' Hotel Palma
( 7.00 ) in POMPEI , province NA
Locale Cagi da Ludovico
( 7.00 ) in POZZUOLI , province NA
Locale La Fenice
( 7.50 ) in SORRENTO , province NA
The best Restaurants
Dell' Hotel BelvedereDell' Hotel Belvedere
( 7.00 ) in BAGNOLI IRPINO , province AV
La Favorita - O' ParrucchianoLa Favorita - O' Parrucchiano
( 7.20 ) in SORRENTO , province NA
 Bikini Bikini
( 8.00 ) in VICO EQUENSE , province NA
Le MaschereLe Maschere
( 7.00 ) in BOLOGNA , province BO
La PanoramicaLa Panoramica
( 7.38 ) in BOLOGNA , province BO
The best Trattorie
 Antica Osteria Antica Osteria
( 7.25 ) in SARSINA , province FC
 Toscana Toscana
( 7.33 ) in MODENA , province MO
La FiabaLa Fiaba
( 8.00 ) in PAVULLO NEL FRIGNANO , province MO
 Moretto Moretto
( 7.67 ) in VIGNOLA , province MO
 Antica Trattoria Braghieri Antica Trattoria Braghieri
( 6.67 ) in ROTTOFRENO , province PC
The best Pizzerie / Pizza
 Meridiana Meridiana
( 7.00 ) in COLLECCHIO , province PR
I GemelliI Gemelli
( 7.33 ) in FIDENZA , province PR
La BotteLa Botte
( 7.00 ) in CERVIA MILANO MARITTIMA , province RA
Al DollaroAl Dollaro
( 7.00 ) in CATTOLICA , province RN
Ai Due PapiAi Due Papi
( 7.00 ) in ROMA , province RM
The best Wine Bar / Wine shop
 Mauro Mauro
( 6.25 ) in CASSACCO , province UD
L' Angolo DivinoL' Angolo Divino
( 8.00 ) in ROMA , province RM
 Trimani il Wine Bar Trimani il Wine Bar
( 6.90 ) in ROMA , province RM
La TorreLa Torre
( 6.80 ) in VITERBO , province VT
 Bottega del Vino Bottega del Vino
( 7.00 ) in SESTRI LEVANTE , province GE
The best Ethnic Restaurants
La BarricataLa Barricata
( 7.00 ) in PARMA , province PR
 Moon Sushi Bar Moon Sushi Bar
( 8.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
Le Petit PrinceLe Petit Prince
( 5.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Cascine Abbadesse Cascine Abbadesse
( 4.33 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Passaggio in India Passaggio in India
( 7.00 ) in TORINO , province TO
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