Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
Italian restaurants online guide with all details and informations.If you want to make a reservation to a restaurant in italy, a pizzeria , trattoria , wine bar or ethnic restaurant you are in the right place. The best restaurants you want in all cities areound Italy, with price list for each restaurant, pictures and cuisine, chef name and speciality and curiosity about it. With each restaurant coments from our visitors, votes and reviews we ensure you will have the best gastronomic experience in Italy.
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Best restaurants in Italy(rank)
Locale Colleverde
( 7.00 ) in FRANCAVILLA SUL SINNI , province PZ
Locale Torino
( 7.00 ) in FALERNA , province CZ
Locale Isolabella
( 7.25 ) in PIZZO , province VV
Locale Leucio
( 7.50 ) in SAN LEUCIO , province CE
Locale Dell' Hotel Villa Franca
( 7.00 ) in FORIO , province NA
Locale Tamburo'
( 7.00 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
Locale Dell' Hotel la Tripergola
( 7.00 ) in POZZUOLI , province NA
Locale Luigi
( 6.50 ) in POZZUOLI , province NA
Locale Del Koenig Hotel Santacruz
( 7.00 ) in EBOLI , province SA
Locale Terra Santa
( 6.88 ) in NOCERA SUPERIORE , province SA
The best Restaurants
La TartanaLa Tartana
( 8.13 ) in PESCARA , province PE
 Locanda del Duca D'Atri Locanda del Duca D'Atri
( 6.75 ) in ATRI , province TE
 Acqua Fur Acqua Fur
( 7.00 ) in ACCETTURA , province MT
La TrappolaLa Trappola
( 6.88 ) in NOVA SIRI , province MT
Il CasoneIl Casone
( 7.00 ) in ACERENZA , province PZ
The best Trattorie
 Nonna Elisa Nonna Elisa
( 6.71 ) in CHIETI , province CH
La Cantina di TriunfoLa Cantina di Triunfo
( 7.50 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
Da AmerigoDa Amerigo
( 7.89 ) in SAVIGNO , province BO
La MondaLa Monda
( 8.50 ) in FORLI' , province FC
 Vecchia Trattoria Agazzino Vecchia Trattoria Agazzino
( 7.00 ) in BORGONOVO VAL TIDONE , province PC
The best Pizzerie / Pizza
 Lombardi a Santa Chiara Lombardi a Santa Chiara
( 7.50 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
 Chiocciola Chiocciola
( 7.00 ) in MASERNO , province MO
 Nevada Nevada
( 7.00 ) in TARVISIO , province UD
 Gaudi' Gaudi'
( 6.50 ) in ROMA , province RM
 Gino in Trastevere Gino in Trastevere
( 7.00 ) in ROMA , province RM
The best Wine Bar / Wine shop
 Quattrochiacchiere Quattrochiacchiere
( 6.00 ) in ROMA , province RM
Il PampinoIl Pampino
( 8.00 ) in GENOVA , province GE
Dai Due AmiciDai Due Amici
( 8.00 ) in IMPERIA , province IM
La SelezioneLa Selezione
( 6.00 ) in GARDONE VAL TROMPIA , province BS
 Ombre Rosse Ombre Rosse
( 8.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
The best Ethnic Restaurants
 Yeh Yeh
( 7.00 ) in LATINA , province LT
La Felicita'La Felicita'
( 5.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Lon Fon Lon Fon
( 4.88 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Passaggio in India Passaggio in India
( 7.00 ) in TORINO , province TO
El Peyote Cafe'El Peyote Cafe'
( 7.00 ) in PORTO CERVO , province SS
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