Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
Italian resraurants list Restaurant Dell' Hotel Baita, Clementi in city Bormio restaurant in Caltanissetta ethnic restaurants Dell' Hotel Baita, Clementi
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Restaurant Dell' Hotel Baita, Clementi

Dell' Hotel Baita, Clementi,
23032 BORMIO ( SO )
Telephone:+39 904473
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Business
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Closing Saturday and Sunday

Seats no 100
Our Vote 8.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel San Michele

Dell' Hotel San Michele,
Telephone:+39 533750
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Business
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Sunday at lunch
Sunday at dinner

Seats no 200
Our Vote 8.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Kreuz

Dell' Hotel Kreuz,
39010 RIFIANO ( BZ )
Telephone:+39 241125
Cuisine Creative
Ambiance Family
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Closing Thursday at lunch
Thursday at dinner

Seats no 100
Our Vote 8.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Cesari

Dell' Hotel Cesari,
Telephone:+39 291581
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Saturday and Sunday

Seats no 200
Our Vote 8.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel De' Conti

Dell' Hotel De' Conti,
60030 SERRA DE' CONTI ( AN )
Telephone:+39 879913
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Romantic
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Closing Monday at lunch
Monday at dinner
Sunday at dinner

Seats no 70
Our Vote 8.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Locanda L'Elisa, Il Gazebo

Dell' Hotel Locanda L'Elisa, Il Gazebo,
55100 LUCCA ( LU )
Telephone:+39 379737
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 40,00-50,00 euro
Closing Sunday at dinner
Sunday at lunch

Seats no 40
Our Vote 8.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Galvani

Dell' Hotel Galvani,
Telephone:+39 7225103
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Family
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Tuesday at lunch
Tuesday at dinner

Seats no 70
Our Vote 8.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel du Russie, Le Jardin du Russie

Dell' Hotel du Russie, Le Jardin du Russie,
187 ROMA ( RM )
Telephone:+39 32888870
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price mai mult de 70,00 euro
Closing Saturday and Sunday

Seats no 50
Our Vote 8.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel il Farineto - L'Officina del Gusto

Dell' Hotel il Farineto - L'Officina del Gusto,
61012 GRADARA ( PU )
Telephone:+39 964645
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Monday at lunch
Monday at dinner

Seats no 200
Our Vote 8.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Rino

Dell' Hotel Rino,
55054 MASSAROSA ( LU )
Telephone:+39 954000
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Family
Menu price Less than 20 euro
Closing Tuesday at lunch
Tuesday at dinner

Seats no
Our Vote 8.00

[1]      «      69   |   70   |   71   |   72   |   73   |   74   |   75   |   76   |   77   |   78   |   79      »      [82]
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Best restaurants in Italy(rank)
Locale Dell' Hotel la Solara
( 7.00 ) in SORRENTO , province NA
Locale Hollywood
( 7.00 ) in MIRAMARE DI RIMINI , province RN
Locale Hostaria alle Bandierette
( 7.33 ) in TRIESTE , province TS
Locale Dell' Hotel Maga Circe, la Veranda
( 7.63 ) in SAN FELICE CIRCEO , province LT
Locale Dell' Hotel Miramonti, La Botte di Bacco
( 7.00 ) in SUBIACO , province RM
Locale Hosteria
( 7.50 ) in SANT'EUFEMIA DELLA FONTE , province BS
Locale Holly Drink
( 6.50 ) in SESTO CALENDE , province VA
Locale Dell' Hotel Progresso
( 8.00 ) in SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO , province AP
Locale Hosteria il Galletto
( 7.00 ) in CASALE MONFERRATO , province AL
Locale Hotel Bucaneve
( 7.00 ) in TRIVERO , province BI
The best Restaurants
Dell' Hotel Villa FrancaDell' Hotel Villa Franca
( 7.00 ) in FORIO , province NA
Dell' Hotel IdaDell' Hotel Ida
( 7.00 ) in CEPRANO , province FR
 Hotel Relais i due laghi, La posta dei Cavalieri Hotel Relais i due laghi, La posta dei Cavalieri
( 7.00 ) in ANGUILLARA SABAZIA , province RM
Dell' Hotel VelcamareDell' Hotel Velcamare
( 7.50 ) in TARQUINIA , province VT
 Hostaria la Cantinetta Hostaria la Cantinetta
( 6.00 ) in VIGEVANO , province PV
The best Trattorie
Dell' Hotel Locanda la PostaDell' Hotel Locanda la Posta
( 7.40 ) in CAVOUR , province TO
 Hostaria Pomponio Hostaria Pomponio
( 6.67 ) in RUVO DI PUGLIA , province BA
 Hosteria Argentieri Hosteria Argentieri
( 7.00 ) in BOLZANO , province BZ
 Hostaria del Calvino Hostaria del Calvino
( 6.50 ) in AOSTA , province AO
 Hostaria da Franz Hostaria da Franz
( 7.25 ) in VENEZIA , province VE
The best Pizzerie / Pizza
 Novecento Novecento
( 8.00 ) in NAPOLI , province NA
 Meridiana Meridiana
( 7.00 ) in COLLECCHIO , province PR
Alla Pace AlpinaAlla Pace Alpina
( 7.00 ) in RAVASCLETTO , province UD
 Sette Camini Sette Camini
( 7.00 ) in ANGUILLARA SABAZIA , province RM
 Parodi Parodi
( 6.00 ) in ARENZANO , province GE
The best Wine Bar / Wine shop
 Baviera 1905 Baviera 1905
( 6.00 ) in VILLANOVA , province BO
Il Ristorante - BaretIl Ristorante - Baret
( 6.00 ) in CENTO , province FE
Ai ProvveditoriAi Provveditori
( 6.00 ) in PALMANOVA , province UD
 Bar Celani Bar Celani
( 6.17 ) in FROSINONE , province FR
 Vino e Camino Vino e Camino
( 7.67 ) in BRACCIANO , province RM
The best Ethnic Restaurants
 Ciao Ciao Ciao Ciao
( 7.00 ) in REGGIO EMILIA , province RE
 Sogo Asahi Sogo Asahi
( 6.50 ) in ROMA , province RM
 Vittoria Vittoria
( 7.00 ) in BOLLATE , province MI
 Moon Sushi Bar Moon Sushi Bar
( 8.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Opium Opium
( 4.67 ) in MILANO , province MI
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