Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
Italian resraurants list Restaurant Dell' Hotel Sirenuse, La Sponda in city Positano restaurant in Sansepolcro ethnic restaurants Dell' Hotel Sirenuse, La Sponda
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Restaurant Dell' Hotel Sirenuse, La Sponda

Dell' Hotel Sirenuse, La Sponda,
84017 POSITANO ( SA )
Telephone:+39 875066
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 60,00-70,00 euro
Closing Saturday and Sunday

Seats no 100
Our Vote 7.88

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Oroscopo di Paola e Marco, Mercati dell'Oroscopo

Dell' Hotel Oroscopo di Paola e Marco, Mercati dell'Oroscopo,
Telephone:+39 734875
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Always at lunch

Seats no 18
Our Vote 7.89

Restaurant Dell' Hotel del Sole

Dell' Hotel del Sole,
26847 MALEO ( LO )
Telephone:+39 589248
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Sunday at dinner
Monday at dinner
Monday at lunch

Seats no 40
Our Vote 7.89

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Giardino, da Felicin

Dell' Hotel Giardino, da Felicin,
Telephone:+39 78225
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Always at lunch
Sunday at dinner
Monday at dinner
Monday at lunch

Seats no 70
Our Vote 7.90

Trattoria Dell' Hotel Antica Trattoria due Mori

Dell' Hotel Antica Trattoria due Mori,
Telephone:+39 671635
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Family
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Closing Monday at lunch
Monday at dinner

Seats no 150
Our Vote 7.90

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Soragna, Locanda del Lupo

Dell' Hotel Soragna, Locanda del Lupo,
43019 SORAGNA ( PR )
Telephone:+39 597100
Cuisine Creative
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Saturday and Sunday

Seats no 45
Our Vote 7.90

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Atlante Star Roof garden les Etoiles

Dell' Hotel Atlante Star Roof garden les Etoiles,
193 ROMA ( RM )
Telephone:+39 6873233
Cuisine Creative
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 50,00-60,00 euro
Closing Saturday and Sunday

Seats no 160
Our Vote 7.90

Restaurant Hostaria Santa Lucia

Hostaria Santa Lucia,
60035 JESI ( AN )
Telephone:+39 64409
Cuisine Creative
Ambiance Romantic
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Monday at lunch
Monday at dinner
Sunday at dinner

Seats no 35
Our Vote 7.93

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Rovereto Novecento

Dell' Hotel Rovereto Novecento,
38068 ROVERETO ( TN )
Telephone:+39 435222
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Romantic
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Sunday at lunch
Sunday at dinner

Seats no 50
Our Vote 7.93

Restaurant Dell' Hotel de lla Ville, Derby Grill

Dell' Hotel de lla Ville, Derby Grill,
20052 MONZA ( MI )
Telephone:+39 382581
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Business
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Saturday at lunch
Sunday at lunch

Seats no 50
Our Vote 7.94

[1]      «      63   |   64   |   65   |   66   |   67   |   68   |   69   |   70   |   71   |   72   |   73      »      [82]
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Best restaurants in Italy(rank)
Locale Dell' Hotel Guardanapoli
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Locale Dell' Hotel Cristina
( 7.00 ) in SORRENTO , province NA
Locale Hostaria della Piazzetta
( 8.00 ) in MONTE SAN BIAGIO , province LT
Locale Dell' Hotel Pippo
( 8.00 ) in SPOTORNO , province SV
Locale Hostaria Cavour
( 8.00 ) in BRESCIA , province BS
Locale Halloween
( 7.00 ) in CREMONA , province CR
Locale Hostaria Borromei
( 6.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
Locale Hotel Principe di Savoia, Galleria
( 3.83 ) in MILANO , province MI
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( 8.00 ) in CASEI GEROLA , province PV
Locale Dell' Hotel Gino
( 8.00 ) in ANCONA , province AN
The best Restaurants
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( 7.00 ) in SORRENTO , province NA
Dell' Hotel IdaDell' Hotel Ida
( 7.00 ) in CEPRANO , province FR
 Hostaria Gambero Rosso Hostaria Gambero Rosso
( 7.00 ) in TERRACINA , province LT
 Hostaria dei Cacciatori Hostaria dei Cacciatori
( 8.00 ) in FERRERA DI VARESE , province VA
The best Trattorie
Dell' Hotel Locanda la PostaDell' Hotel Locanda la Posta
( 7.40 ) in CAVOUR , province TO
 Hostaria Pomponio Hostaria Pomponio
( 6.67 ) in RUVO DI PUGLIA , province BA
 Hostaria il Castagno Hostaria il Castagno
( 8.00 ) in CASTIGLIONE D'ORCIA , province SI
The best Pizzerie / Pizza
 Meridiana Meridiana
( 7.00 ) in COLLECCHIO , province PR
 Passaparola Passaparola
( 7.00 ) in SCANDIANO , province RE
 Elefantino Elefantino
( 7.00 ) in TORRE GAIA , province RM
 Pepe Verde Pepe Verde
( 6.00 ) in ROMA , province RM
 Alfredo Alfredo
( 6.50 ) in RECCO , province GE
The best Wine Bar / Wine shop
 Holly Drink Holly Drink
( 6.50 ) in SESTO CALENDE , province VA
The best Ethnic Restaurants
 Hafa Cafe' Hafa Cafe'
( 7.00 ) in TORINO , province TO
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