Italian restaurants Italy complete online Guide
Italian resraurants list Restaurant Dell' Hotel Parco dell'Etna in city Bronte restaurant in Montegrotto terme ethnic restaurants Dell' Hotel Parco dell'Etna
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Restaurant Dell' Hotel Parco dell'Etna

Dell' Hotel Parco dell'Etna,
95034 BRONTE ( CT )
Telephone:+39 691907
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Family
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Seats no
Our Vote 7.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Terme Miramonti, Monrosa

Dell' Hotel Terme Miramonti, Monrosa,
Telephone:+39 8911755
Cuisine Creative
Ambiance Business
Menu price 30,00-40,00 euro
Closing Saturday and Sunday

Seats no 100
Our Vote 7.00

Restaurant Hemingway

75100 MATERA ( MT )
Telephone:+39 310794
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Trendy
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Closing Monday at lunch
Monday at dinner

Seats no 60
Our Vote 7.00

Trattoria Hostaria del Mincio

Hostaria del Mincio,
Telephone:+39 653291
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Family
Menu price Less than 20 euro
Closing Wednesday at lunch
Wednesday at dinner

Seats no 90
Our Vote 7.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Stella del Tirreno

Dell' Hotel Stella del Tirreno,
98070 REITANO ( ME )
Telephone:+39 331371
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Family
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Closing Thursday at lunch
Thursday at dinner

Seats no 150
Our Vote 7.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Tredici Comuni

Dell' Hotel Tredici Comuni,
Telephone:+39 7835566
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Family
Menu price Less than 20 euro
Closing Tuesday at lunch
Tuesday at dinner

Seats no
Our Vote 7.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel la Bussola

Dell' Hotel la Bussola,
84011 AMALFI ( SA )
Telephone:+39 871533
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Elegant
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Closing Always open

Seats no 120
Our Vote 7.00

Restaurant Hyencos

73059 UGENTO ( LE )
Telephone:+39 931038
Cuisine Classic
Ambiance Family
Menu price Less than 20 euro
Seats no 240
Our Vote 7.00

Restaurant Hotel Dasser

Hotel Dasser,
Telephone:+39 523120
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Family
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Closing Monday at lunch
Monday at dinner
Sunday at dinner

Seats no
Our Vote 7.00

Restaurant Dell' Hotel Toro

Dell' Hotel Toro,
84010 RAVELLO ( SA )
Telephone:+39 857211
Cuisine Traditional Italian
Ambiance Family
Menu price 20,00-30,00 euro
Seats no
Our Vote 7.00

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Best restaurants in Italy(rank)
Locale Helios
( 7.00 ) in CROTONE , province KR
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( 7.00 ) in BACOLI , province NA
Locale Dell' Hotel Rio Lapis
( 7.00 ) in MONTECORICE , province SA
Locale Dell' Hotel Bonadies
( 7.00 ) in RAVELLO , province SA
Locale Hostaria Tittino
( 7.33 ) in FROSINONE , province FR
Locale Dell' Hotel Maga Circe, la Veranda
( 7.63 ) in SAN FELICE CIRCEO , province LT
Locale Hostaria L'Oca Giuliva
( 7.60 ) in FIANO ROMANO , province RM
Locale Dell' Hotel Atlante Star Roof garden les Etoiles
( 7.90 ) in ROMA , province RM
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( 7.00 ) in MOSCAZZANO , province CR
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( 7.00 ) in MONDRAGONE , province CE
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( 7.00 ) in PROCIDA , province NA
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( 7.00 ) in PONTECAGNANO , province SA
 Hotel Sofitel, Risbo' Hotel Sofitel, Risbo'
( 7.50 ) in BOLOGNA , province BO
The best Trattorie
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( 7.33 ) in PORTO SAN GIORGIO , province AP
 Hostaria Pomponio Hostaria Pomponio
( 6.67 ) in RUVO DI PUGLIA , province BA
 Hopfen & Co. Hopfen & Co.
( 6.83 ) in BOLZANO , province BZ
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( 7.00 ) in BOLZANO , province BZ
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( 8.00 ) in TORGIANO , province PG
The best Pizzerie / Pizza
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( 6.50 ) in NUORO , province NU
The best Wine Bar / Wine shop
 Compagnia del Taglio Compagnia del Taglio
( 6.25 ) in MODENA , province MO
 Mauro Mauro
( 6.25 ) in CASSACCO , province UD
 Franco del Gatto Franco del Gatto
( 6.00 ) in ANZIO , province RM
Il SimposioIl Simposio
( 7.88 ) in ROMA , province RM
Er BoteghinEr Boteghin
( 8.00 ) in SARZANA , province SP
The best Ethnic Restaurants
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( 8.00 ) in ROMA , province RM
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( 6.25 ) in ROMA , province RM
 Cactus Juice Cactus Juice
( 3.00 ) in COMO , province CO
 China Club China Club
( 7.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
 Fonda Maya Fonda Maya
( 3.00 ) in MILANO , province MI
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